Quite nice. The mix sounds very vertical and wide, and I can tell you put a lot of consideration into frequency layering. The bass synth that comes in at 1:12 has an sound that I can only describe as a mental massage. Thanks for sharing!
Quite nice. The mix sounds very vertical and wide, and I can tell you put a lot of consideration into frequency layering. The bass synth that comes in at 1:12 has an sound that I can only describe as a mental massage. Thanks for sharing!
That's just what I was aiming for while mixing :) Thanks!
This feels like a combination of cinematic music and EDM. At 1:08, the lead synth sound is interesting, and I think i could benefit from some reductive chopping to create interesting rhythms within the melody. Good job.
In my other life, I play D&D 5th Edition and could totally see myself crying at companion's death... with this song in the background. The distant, somber, minimal piano is effective.
Exactly how it's meant to feel. Utter sadness, raw and real. Im glad you felt it :D thanks for the review.
This track sounds very soothing, but also mournful. The repetition suits the feeling and intention of the song. The layering of instruments is effective. My only critique is that it might benefit from wider panning. Great job!
Seriously beautiful sounds. Are you a warhammer 40k enthusiast? I ask because the Tau are a race in that universe.
Heh, while I'm definitely aware of the Tau race, the inspiration for the name actually came from Mass Effect :P
That low piano part... wow man... really digging this song. tempo is perfect for the style, and the synth strings are quality. struggling to find some constructive criticism.
Thanks! Glad you liked it. I appreciate your time so I thank you for commenting bro! :D
beautiful and smooth transitions. :)
Thank you.
VDÄ€AN (vid-ay-en) is an extra-dimensional prophet who traveled through a supermassive black hole to reach the third dimension and enlighten metacognitive beings. He just released an album called "Echoes Through Us All" https://soundcloud.com/iamvdaan
Age 78
3rd Dimension, Currently
Joined on 6/25/16